Carpet Repair 

Serving Greater Portland Maine

Carpet Repair: Carpet Patching for Stained & Damaged Carpets

Damaged, torn, and wrinkled carpeting is not only unsightly to look at, but it can also be a dangerous tripping hazard. At EnviroClean, we offer a complete variety of carpet repair services for commercial and residential customers. We can repair any torn or wrinkled carpeting and repair bleached, burned, or permanently stained carpet with seamless carpet patches. From carpet patching to seam repair, we can resolve any problems in order to have your carpet looking like new. 

Carpet Repair Services


Small Carpet Stain & Burn Repair


Large Carpet Patching


Carpet Stretching & Ripple Repair

 As part of our carpet repair services, we offer carpet stretching to repair ripples, wrinkles, bulges, or other loose areas in your carpet.


Carpet Seam Repair

Carpet seams can pull apart or become a weak spot where carpet begins to unravel. We can offer a variety of carpet seam repair services to repair carpet seams and have your carpets looking like new.


Carpet Flood Repair

When pipes break or other flooding occurs in a home, the homeowners first thought is often that the carpet and flooring is damaged beyond repair. However, if water damage remediation is begun immediately, often the flooring and carpet can be repaired and salvaged.

Grand Stair Case Carpet Replacement

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M-F: 8am - 6pm